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Revolutionize Your Real Estate Marketing

Unlock the power of real estate marketing to skyrocket your business growth. Learn to leverage sales funnels, lead generation, and more for unparalleled success. Stop worrying about where your next commission check is going to come from. You can master just a few simple marketing skills that promise market dominance and predictability.

Thumbnail image for Grant Wise's Words of Wisedom blog post on the importance of revolutionizing your marketing as an agent.

There are a few different types of marketing that are being implemented in real estate. Over the last ten years, I’ve noticed one glaring problem. 

Most people are building businesses using direct response marketing with traditional marketing teams.

This is leading to an enormous amount of confusion, anger, and frustration inside most teams. The leader (you) knows exactly what needs to be done but nobody else in the business does and therefore you can never really “step out” of the marketing. 

Real Estate Marketing: A Few Definitions

Traditional Marketing

Traditional marketing is any form of marketing that uses offline media to reach an audience.

Basic examples of traditional marketing include things like newspaper ads and other print ads, but there are also billboards, mail advertisements, TV, and radio advertisements.

Direct Response Marketing

Direct response is a type of marketing designed to elicit an instant response by encouraging prospects to take a specific action.

Direct response advertisements must trigger immediate action from prospects since the goal is to generate leads quickly.

Often times, direct response marketing is "interruptive" marketing: for example, when an ad appears in a Facebook feed and tries to interrupt the user's attetion and get them to take an action.

The Difference Between Traditional Real Estate Marketing and Direct Response Real Estate Marketing

Direct response advertisements must trigger immediate action from prospects since the goal is to generate leads quickly.

In contrast to traditional marketing, which aims to raise brand awareness and promote brand image long term, the direct response shows ROI immediately.

The Problem With Direct Response Marketing for Real Estate

Direct response marketing requires an entirely different skillset, and most agents simply have not developed into the marketers they need to be to predictably grow their real estate businesses. 

Your team must learn to be good at direct response marketing to truly change and adapt. If you don’t, you will be forced to rely on third parties, you will continue to have high turnover in your marketing department, and you’ll never really feel like you can “let go” of the marketing activities in the team. 

Key Real Estate Marketing Areas to Focus On

There are a few key areas of focus in today’s real estate marketing world if you want to predictably grow your business. 

Sales Funnels for Real Estate

For real estate agents, mastering the art of the sales funnel is a game changer. This strategic roadmap captures potential clients' attention at the top and nurtures them through a tailored, engaging journey towards making that pivotal decision to buy or sell.

It's about understanding your audience's needs at every stage, from initial interest to final handshake, and presenting tailored, irresistible solutions that make the choice obvious.

In a marketplace as competitive as real estate, a well-constructed sales funnel isn't just useful; it's essential. It positions you not just as an agent, but as the go-to expert and ultimate guide in the real estate journey. 

Real Estate Lead Generation

Lead generation in real estate isn't just about finding people; it's about connecting with the right people at the right time. Think of it as laying breadcrumbs for potential home buyers and sellers to follow, leading them right to your door.

By utilizing a mix of digital marketing strategies, local networking events, and personalized outreach, you position yourself not just as an agent, but as a community pillar they can trust.

It’s about creating value and establishing relationships long before you ask for the sale, turning cold leads into warm handshakes and, eventually, closed deals.


Remarketing is a game-changer in the real estate world, acting as your digital ally to recapture the attention of potential buyers who've previously interacted with your business online but haven't made a move yet.

Imagine it as leaving digital "breadcrumbs" that lure them back, reminding them of the incredible opportunities you offer, just when they're ready to take the plunge.

For real estate agents, leveraging remarketing means staying top-of-mind, maximizing your visibility, and effectively converting interest into action – making it an indispensable tool in your digital marketing arsenal.

Building a Real Estate Brand

Branding, in the world of real estate, is your unique signature, a powerful declaration of who you are as an agent and what value you bring to the table for your clients. It's not just about a memorable logo or a catchy tagline; it's about crafting an irresistible narrative that resonates with your target market, setting you apart in a crowded marketplace.

A strong personal brand builds trust, establishes your reputation, and attracts your ideal clients like a magnet. Your brand is your promise to your client—a promise of quality, reliability, and unparalleled service.

In essence, it’s the reason they choose you over all of the options at their disposal.

Sales Conversion

In the dynamic world of real estate, understanding sales conversion is akin to mastering the art of turning prospects into profits.

Picture each interaction with a potential buyer as an opportunity not just to showcase a property, but to connect, solve their unique needs, and guide them towards making one of the most significant decisions of their lives – purchasing a home.

Sales conversion is the crucial process where your expertise, market knowledge, and interpersonal skills come together to transform interest into action, inquiries into contracts.

It's an art and a science, combining intuition with strategy to meet client needs, seal deals, and drive your success in the highly competitive real estate landscape.

Systems Automation

For real estate agents navigating the fast-paced property market, systems automation is your ultimate game-changer.

Picture this: a suite of tools designed to streamline your tasks, manage client data, automate communication, schedule property showings, and follow up on leads without missing a beat. It's not just about working harder; it's about working smarter.

By leveraging automation, you unlock the potential to enhance your productivity, improve client satisfaction, and boost your sales—all while carving out more time for what truly matters.

In the world of real estate, where every moment counts, adopting systems automation isn't just an option; it's the key to staying ahead in a competitive landscape.

Email Marketing

Email marketing, dear real estate agent, is your golden key to unlock direct communication with your clients and prospects.

And almost no one does this well.

Imagine having the power to deliver personalized property listings, market insights, and valuable homeownership tips right into your audience's inbox.

This isn’t just about sending emails; it's about building relationships and keeping your brand top-of-mind.

Utilize this tool wisely, and you'll see engagement with your services soar, driving leads and ultimately boosting your sales in this competitive market.

Data & Analytics

In the world of real estate, understanding funnel data and analytics is akin to possessing a crystal ball.

This powerful ability allows you to predict your potential clients' next moves, ensuring you're always a step ahead.

Imagine being able to pinpoint exactly where your prospects are in their home-buying journey—from initial interest, through consideration, to the decision stage. Imagine knowing exactly what marketing channels are actually producing the greatest results for your business.

By leveraging this data, you can tailor your interactions, making them timely, relevant, and persuasive.

For a real estate agent, mastering funnel analytics isn't just an advantage; it's a game-changer, enabling you to efficiently convert leads into homeowners with precision and ease.

If you need help, apply to work with me. Together, we will analyze your entire business and identify your greatest challenges and opportunities.

Final Thoughts

With all of this comes an entirely new way of thinking about growing a business. 

I know this is a lot but I’m telling you right now – this will give you an unfair advantage in the marketplace and nothing else will grow your business faster. That’s a promise. 

It also gives you a fair amount of predictability.

In the last few weeks, I’ve helped a few team leaders get extremely clear on how to move in this market.

I’ve shown one team leader how to sell 86 more homes this year to hit their targets by CUTTING a ton of spend and focusing on 6 key lead sources.

I showed another how to increase their ad spend (PER LEAD SOURCE) and generate an additional $455K in net commission income. 

And another how to generate $600,000 in net team commission by getting NO NEW LEADS and just focusing on the opportunity they already have in their CRM. 

This week, I simply wanted to make sure you understood the difference and I want to challenge you to master this skill set. It will change everything for you. It did for me. 

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